为加强各国青少年在文化艺术领域的交流交往,增进相互理解和友谊,福州市策划举办首届“丝路”国际青少年摄影、短视频大赛。本次大赛由21世纪海上合作委员会和福州市人民政府共同主办,以“我身边的文化遗产”为主题,邀请我市国际友好城市、友好交流城市、意向友城和21世纪海上合作委员会会员城市共同聚焦文化遗产保护和传承主题,以影像作品的方式共享世界各国文化遗产保护成果。大赛现已正式启动,诚挚邀请贵市组织、征集、选送青少年作品参赛。 To enhance exchanges and communication and promote mutual understanding and friendship between the youth around the globe, we initiate to hold the 1st Silk Road International Youth Photography and Short Video Competition in 2022. The contest, held by 21st-Century Maritime Cooperation Committee and Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government, with the theme of “Cultural Heritage in My City”, invites cities having friendly relations with Fuzhou such as Fuzhou’s international sister cities and members of 21st-Century Maritime Cooperation Committee to jointly eye on the conservation and inheritance of cultural heritage. The competition will serve as a window to showcase achievements in conservation of cultural heritage made by countries around the world. It has officially kicked off this month and is now calling for entries. We sincerely invite your city to organize young people to participate, and collect and select entries for the competition. |