Mirror of the Sea and Sky
作品名称:海天之镜 Title of Entry: Mirror of the Sea and Sky 作品类别:摄影B组 Category: Photography Group B 作者: 杨致远 Name: Yang Zhiyuan 年龄: 18岁 Age: 18yrs 国家地区:中国南平 Country and City: Nanping, China 指导老师:郭超 Tutor: Guo Chao 所在学校:福建省南平第一中学 School: Nanping No.1 Middle School of Fujian 创作介绍: 茶卡盐湖,海天之镜,海与天的轮舞,云与水的交融。 Description of Entry: Chaka Salt Lake, the mirror of the sea and the sky, the round dance of the sea and the sky, the blending of clouds and water. |